Articles Tagged: stamptk

STAMPtk - The PDF Stamp Maker

Use STAMPtk + PDFtk to mark PDFs with custom data, like stamps, watermarks, headers or footers, as the PDFs are served to online users. Or use these tools on the desktop to add information to local PDFs.

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STAMPtk Manual

This STAMPtk manual documents all of its options and operations. Please consult our tutorials for some friendlier explanations. STAMPtk is a command-line program, so you should use your computer terminal or command prompt to try these examples.

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How to Add Headers, Footers, Watermarks and Stamps to PDF

Learn to use STAMPtk with PDFtk to add headers, footers, watermarks and stamps to PDF documents. These command-line tools are ideal for server-side processing of PDFs.

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